Was braucht die Menschheit dringend für Frieden und Wohlergehen?
Die Menschheit braucht dringend den selbstlosen Dienst von Sadvipras, um ihre Probleme zu lösen und Frieden und Wohlergehen für alle zu verwirklichen.
Sadvipras sind Menschen, die dem unendlichen Bewusstsein, der höchsten Wahrheit gewidmet sind und gleichzeitig ethisch und kompetent der Gesellschaft dienen.
Der Sanskrit Begriff Sadvipra wurde von Shrii Sarkar geprägt.
Ich werde am 13. Mai einen 3-teiligen Online Kurs über Sadvipra Führung beginnen. Es wird ein internationaler Kurs auf Englisch sein.
Hier ist die englische Ankündigung. Falls du an diesem Kurs interessiert bist, kannst du hier mehr erfahren und dich auch anmelden: https://www.menschlichewelt.de/veranstaltung/how-can-we-make-ourselves-and-others-sadvipras/
Englische Ankündigung:
How can we make ourselves and others Sadvipras?
Online Mini-course May 13, 20, 27., 10 – 11:30 AM (GMT+1)
Sadvipra leadership is the only solution to the existential crisis humanity is facing. It is the most valuable service that we can provide at this time.
This course is for those who would like to deepen their understanding of Sadvipra leadership and expand their capabilities of selfless and competent leadership.
The workshops include a short kiirtan, meditation, talk, Q&A and discussion. They will be led by Ac. Madhuvidyananda Avt.
The course is practice-oriented. The purpose is to help participants to practice with love what we learn.
Workshop 1: Becoming a Sadvipra (May 13)
We will learn the answers of these questions (pariprashnas):
What is a Sadvipra? Who is a Sadvipra?
What are the 3 characteristics of a Sadvipra?
What are the 4 main activities of a Sadvipra?
What is the sacred duty of Sadvipras?
What is the unique role of Sadvipras?
How to make ourselves Sadvipras?
When? Where? How?
How do we deal with obstacles?
Workshop 2: How to Awaken our Conscience? (May 20)
What are the 3 steps of awakening our conscience? Of making conscientious decisions? Of taking a stand on issues? (According to Neohumanism).
What are 8 universal standards of rational thinking?
How to identify and overcome defective thinking?
Workshop 3: Harnessing our Mind (May 27)
What are the 3 functions of the mind and how to harness them? (According to Neohumanism).
What are the 8 components of thinking and reasoning?
After these three workshops we will offer more according to what emerges out of this course.
To get more information or to enrol write to Amritesha: amritesha@tageslicht-magazin.de
This course is organised by the Sadvipra School and financed by donations.
The Sadvipra School has been providing leadership training to activists and leaders and has been training candidates of the proutist political party MENSCHLICHE WELT running for European, national and state elections in Germany.
Other seminars of the school include:
Sadvipra Leadership and the thorough understanding and strict adherence to the 16 Points
Sadvipra Leadership and Microvita: How Sadvipras can harness the immeasurable power of Microvita
Sadvipra Leadership and the 4 Steps of Benevolent Communication
Sadvipra Leadership and Biopsychology: How Sadvipras apply the science of Biopsychology
Sadvipra Leadership and its role in the 3 phases of implementing Neohumanism
Unser Jahreshighlight im Ananda Ashram. Ein ganzes Wochenende im spirituellen Fluss mit gemeinsamen Meditationen, Mantragesang, Workshops, Spaziergängen und köstlichem veganen Essen.
10.08.– 14.08.2023
Ananda Ashram, Wolfegg
Mehr Info: https://www.grenzenlosmenschlich.de/sommer-retreat-2023/
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